

TrueSpace、享年25歳 (1984~2009)

Letter From The Founder, May 2009 (

Dear Caligari customer,

You may have heard that Microsoft Corporation, reacting to difficult business conditions, has been evaluating many of the products it produces and making the difficult decision to reduce investment in certain areas.

It is with regret that I have to tell you that trueSpace is one of the products affected. As a consequence, you will see reduction or elimination of services offered for trueSpace. For example, there will be no phone or email support offered for trueSpace by Microsoft, and our web site may also be affected. While the dates are not absolutely fixed, some services and contacts may come to an end as early as Friday May 22nd 2009, while others will continue as long as possible with no firm cutoff date available yet.

代表のRoman Ormandy氏曰く、世界同時恐慌によりMicrosoftは全ての事業を見直す作業をしており、この煽りを受けTrueSpaceも切り捨てられる事になったとのこと。予定が変わらない限り、先にもお伝えしたとおり、早ければ2009年5月22日(日本時間正午)から、サービスの停止が始まります。





TrueSpace story ending (


tSCommunity (TrueSpace代替フォーラム) 2010年6月10日追記ドメイン失効

United3DArtists (Prodigy氏も顔を出す有志の総合3DForum)

最後に、オープンソース3DソフトBlenderの代表、Ton Roosendaal氏が寄せたメッセージをお送りします。

TrueSpace story ending (BlenderNation)

Hats off to the Caligari team, and especially to founder Roman Ormandy. You've written a piece of CG history nobody will forget.

I know how it is to be locked up by corporate demands, and the tragedy of seeing your baby slip away in other hands… Blender fortunately escaped this route, and hopefully Roman will - in a few months when the dust has settled - find the method to make Microsoft accept a community buy-out too. Reading trueSpace forums, there's a massive and very devoted community there, don't underestimate their powers!

